Floatek Tiles

How does it Work?

Did you know...

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, roughly 4,400 people drown each year in the United States. Of that group, about 3,565, or 81 percent, are males, and about 1,000 are children younger than age 15. Further, for each child who drowns, another four are hospitalized for nearly drowning. Drowning and near-drowning involving children under the age of 15 in the United States cost about $6.2 billion each year. That means the estimated cost per near-drowning is $84,000 and the estimated cost per drowning is $3.6 million. The current reality has led the Public to create safer pool environments by regulation. Fortunately, the Floatek Tiling System’s design is proud to have the opportunity to reduce the number of swimming pool accidents. Energy Saving:

Heat loss in swimming pools is made up of evaporation (75%), radiation (20%) and convection (5%). The Floatek Tiling System is a surface insulation system. The Floatek system effects evaporation by acting as an insulator.